4 Ways to Stay Organized While Traveling

Whether you’re traveling for work or for pleasure, you know it can be just as stressful as it is fun. From flight delays, booking hotels, and navigating unfamiliar areas in a rental car, there are so many things to worry about when you’re traveling. Misplacing your belongings or forgetting important items shouldn’t be one of those things. You don’t want to find yourself digging through clothes for your phone charger in an emergency or fumbling for your ID at the TSA checkpoint. Here are some tips for keeping your possessions organized while on the road.

Organize Your Suitcase 

Organizing your belongings is much easier when you have a single destination, such as the beach, and you’re traveling in your own vehicle. Your items can be stuffed into one bag and unloaded upon reaching your hotel or Air BnB. Especially if the drive is only a few hours, you may not have to dig around it on the road. For those who have multiple destinations, layovers, a few hotels, and one or two rental cars booked for their next trip, the organization of your suitcase is vital. If you’re flying with a checked back and a carry-on, keep extra clothes in your carry-on or personal item in case your bag gets lost or your flight is delayed and you need a change of clothes. If you’ll be traveling to multiple locations, you can sort your clothes by destination or activity. Packing cubes are a great way to divide your belongings. Many people put undergarments, shirts, and pants in separate cubes, but you can also use them to keep casual items and formal items separate. This will also help choose outfits more quickly if you’re living out of your suitcase for a week or two. Make sure you have extra room in your bag for any items you pick up on your way, such as souvenirs.

Create a Packing List

Make a list ahead of time of what you’ll need to take on your journey. Toiletries, outfits, accessories, tech items – check through your bag before you leave the house to make sure you have everything. Take your list with you, and when you pack up to go home, make sure you have everything you started with. This is an easy way to keep track of your belongings and make sure you don’t leave anything behind. Create your list on your cell phone instead of on paper, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about remembering, as it will always be with you.

Take Advantage of Technology

Most of our travel arrangements can be made from our phone. We can access hotel reservations, flight boarding passes, call an Uber, or update our friends and family while on the road with ease from our smartphones. Make sure you always travel with a power bank and necessary phone chargers to make sure you’re never left without this important travel companion. There are also a variety of apps that can help you better organize your journey, and save you time and money along the way. For example, apps like GasBuddy will help you find the best prices at nearby gas stations on your trip.

Use a Travel Wallet

One of the best investments you can make for travel is a travel wallet. Keep it on your person at all times while traveling, or in a safe back at the hotel. This wallet should house your passport or identification, boarding passes, a credit card or two, and any other important travel documents you may need. This can also be notecards to practice your speech en route to an important work conference, or financial information for your journey to look at Cleveland real estate. You can even use it to hold a phone charger and headphones for long airplane or train rides. Keep all these important items together and you won’t have to worry about digging through your bag at the last minute.

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